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"Identify, reduce and eliminate impacts on the environment"

ISO 14001 is an internationally recognized standard that provides a systematic roadmap for implementing an Environmental Management System (EMS) which identifies, controls and reduces/eliminates impacts on the environment. In addition, ISO 14001 has practical applications and benefits for companies that are controlled by industry specific regulatory and safety compliance requirements.

Objectives International supports your company by integrating your regulatory and safety requirements with the ISO 14001 system. We provide easy-to-use tools, methods and training to help you identify and review your operational activities (aspects) that may have impacts on the environment. We streamline and integrate your processes; develop an effective documentation control system; identify and establish operational objectives, targets and improvement programs. We implement an internal audit system leading to successful ISO 14001 certification.

Objectives International helps your company develop a leadership culture of team work, collaboration and process improvements to support
environmental and regulatory compliance.

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